Sortie de Kunena 6.1.4, une version de maintenance

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06 Oct 2023 15:45 #1 par failrOn
L'équipe de développement de Kunena est fière d'annoncer la disponibilité de la version maintenance Kunena 6.1.4, une version native pour Joomla! 4.2/4.3.

Kunena 6.1 a été conçue pour fonctionner sur Joomla! 4.2/4.3, les pré-requis sont les suivants :
  • Php 7.4.1 à Php 8.2.x
  • MySQL 5.7.0
  • Bootstrap 5.1

Le travail effectué sur Kunena 6.1 est le suivant :
  • Nouveau plugin intégré dans Kunena pour gérer la confidentialité (merci à ruud )
  • Les messages privés ont été intégrés lorsque post/répond/édite un message
  • Mie à jour de quelques vues dans le backend pour suivre le style de Joomla! 4.x : rangs, utilisateurs
  • Remplacement quelques méthodes dépréciées qui ont été introduites dans Joomla! 4.2.x
  • Travaille sur la compatibilité avec Php 8.2.x, il reste encore des messages d'erreur d'utilisation obsolète de à corriger
  • Poursuite de la conversion des requêtes pour utiliser Joomla! Database qui autorise celles-ci à être agnostique, il reste encore quelques requêtes qui doivent encore être converties

Télécharger Kunena 6.1.4

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10 Oct 2023 18:52 - 10 Oct 2023 18:53 #2 par Scottux
J'ai ce message d'erreur lors de la mise à jour vers la 6.1.4 sur mon site en local.
Pourtant, la 6.1.4 semble correctement installée.

Dernière édition: 10 Oct 2023 18:53 par Scottux.

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11 Oct 2023 11:39 #3 par failrOn
Dans la version 6.1.4 lors de la mise à jour elle va convertir toutes colonnes dans les tables de Kunena vers l'utf8_mb4 pour les colonnes qui ne sont pas dans ce format.

Est-ce que tu pourrais mettre s'il te plait ton rapport de configuration de Kunena ? cela va indiquer ici si les colonnes sont en utf8_mb4 ou pas

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12 Oct 2023 10:32 #4 par Scottux
Voici le rapport de configuraton.
Ce message contient des informations confidentielles

Database collation check: scott83_kunena_aliases have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field alias  scott83_kunena_aliases have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field type  scott83_kunena_aliases have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field item  scott83_kunena_announcement have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field title  scott83_kunena_announcement have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field sdescription  scott83_kunena_announcement have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field description  scott83_kunena_attachments have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field hash  scott83_kunena_attachments have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field folder  scott83_kunena_attachments have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field filename  scott83_kunena_attachments have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field filename_real  scott83_kunena_attachments have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field caption  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field name  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field alias  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field accesstype  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field channels  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field description  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field headerdesc  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field class_sfx  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field iconset  scott83_kunena_categories have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field params  scott83_kunena_configuration have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field params  scott83_kunena_logs have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field ip  scott83_kunena_logs have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field operation  scott83_kunena_messages have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field name  scott83_kunena_messages have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field email  scott83_kunena_messages have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field subject  scott83_kunena_messages have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field ip  scott83_kunena_messages have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field modified_reason  scott83_kunena_polls have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field title  scott83_kunena_polls_options have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field text  scott83_kunena_sessions have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field allowed  scott83_kunena_sessions have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field readtopics  scott83_kunena_smileys have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field code  scott83_kunena_smileys have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field location  scott83_kunena_smileys have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field greylocation  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field subject  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field first_post_message  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field first_post_guest_name  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field last_post_message  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field last_post_guest_name  scott83_kunena_topics have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field params  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field status_text  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field view  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field signature  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field avatar  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field personalText  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field location  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field icq  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field yim  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field microsoft  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field telegram  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field vk  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field skype  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field twitter  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field facebook  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field google  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field myspace  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field linkedin  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field delicious  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field friendfeed  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field digg  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field instagram  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field qzone  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field weibo  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field wechat  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field apple  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field blogspot  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field flickr  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field bebo  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field websitename  scott83_kunena_users have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field websiteurl  scott83_kunena_users_banned have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field ip  scott83_kunena_users_banned have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field reason_private  scott83_kunena_users_banned have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field reason_public  scott83_kunena_users_banned have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field comments  scott83_kunena_users_banned have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field params  scott83_kunena_version have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field version  scott83_kunena_version have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field versionname  scott83_kunena_version have wrong collation of type utf8mb3_general_ci on field state  

Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |

Ce message contient des informations confidentielles
htaccess: Missing | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 128M | Max file upload: 

Kunena menu details:

Attention : Spoiler !

Joomla default template details : cassiopeia | author: Joomla! Project | version: 1.0 | creationdate: 2017-02

Kunena default template details : Aurelia | author: Kunena Team | version: 6.1.4 | creationdate: 2023-10-05

Kunena template params:

Attention : Spoiler !

Kunena version detailed: Kunena 6.1.4 | 2023-10-05 [ Git Repository ]
        | Kunena detailed configuration:

Attention : Spoiler !
| Kunena integration settings:
Attention : Spoiler !
| Joomla! detailed language files installed:
Attention : Spoiler !

Third-party components: CommunityBuilder 2.8.2

Third-party SEF components: None

Plugins: None

Modules: None

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12 Oct 2023 23:08 #5 par failrOn
C'était une mise à jour depuis quelle version ? Est-ce possible d'avoir un backup uniquement des tables commençant par #__kunena pour tester ?

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13 Oct 2023 10:43 #6 par Scottux
C'était une mise à niveau depuis la version Kunena

Voici le fichier avec les tables :
Ce message contient des informations confidentielles

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: failrOn

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Modérateurs: lavstephfailrOnScottuxserge
Temps de génération de la page : 1.386 secondes
Propulsé par Kunena