app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Do not register plug-in in administration. if ($this->app->isAdmin()) { return; } // If scope isn't articles or Kunena, do not register plug-in. if ($this->app->scope != 'com_content' && $this->app->scope != 'com_kunena') { return; } // Kunena detection and version check $minKunenaVersion = '3.0'; if (!class_exists('KunenaForum') || !KunenaForum::isCompatible($minKunenaVersion)) { $this->loadLanguage(); $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DEPENDENCY_FAIL', $minKunenaVersion)); return; } // Kunena online check if (!KunenaForum::enabled()) { return; } // Initialize variables $this->db = JFactory::getDbo(); $this->user = KunenaFactory::getUser(); $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); // Initialize plugin parent::__construct($subject, $params); $this->debug("Constructor called in {$this->app->scope}"); } /** * Before display content method. * * Method is called by the view and the results are imploded and displayed in a placeholder. * * @param string $context The context for the content passed to the plugin. * @param object $article The content object. Note $article->text is also available * @param object $params The content params * @param integer $limitstart The 'page' number * * @return string */ public function onContentBeforeDisplay($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart = 0) { static $loaded = false; // Initialize plug-in during the first run. if (!$loaded) { $loaded = true; // Load language files and setup Kunena libraries. $this->loadLanguage(); KunenaForum::setup(); KunenaFactory::loadLanguage(); // Create Kunena Discuss table if it doesn't exist. $this->createTable(); } // Make sure that event gets only called once. if (self::$inevent) { return ''; } self::$inevent = true; $this->prepare($context, $article, $params); self::$inevent = false; return ''; } /** * After display content method. * * Method is called by the view and the results are imploded and displayed in a placeholder. * * @param string $context The context for the content passed to the plugin. * @param object $article The content object. Note $article->text is also available * @param object $params The content params * @param integer $limitstart The 'page' number * * @return string */ public function onContentAfterDisplay($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart = 0) { // Make sure that event gets only called once and there's something to display. if (self::$inevent || !isset($article->id) || !isset(self::$plgDisplay[$article->id])) { return ''; } $this->debug("onAfterDisplayContent: Returning content for article {$article->id}"); $result = self::$plgDisplay[$article->id]; $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest) { $login_public = $this->params->get('login_public', 0); if ($login_public) { $guestHtml = "
"; $guestHtml = $guestHtml . "
"; $guestHtml = $guestHtml . "" . JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_LOG_IN_TO_COMMENT') . ""; $guestHtml = $guestHtml . "
"; $result = $guestHtml . $result; } } return $result; } /** * @param $context * @param $article * @param $params */ protected function prepare($context, &$article, &$params) { if (!isset($article->state) || $article->state != 1) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Article not published"); return; } // Only proceed if this event is not originated by Kunena itself or we run the danger of an event recursion $ksource = ''; if ($params instanceof JRegistry) { $ksource = $params->get('ksource', ''); } if ($ksource != 'kunena') { $customTopics = $this->params->get('custom_topics', 1); $articleCategory = (isset ($article->catid) ? $article->catid : 0); $isStaticContent = !$articleCategory; if ($isStaticContent) { $kunenaCategory = false; } else { $kunenaCategory = $this->getForumCategory($articleCategory); if (!$kunenaCategory) { if (!$customTopics) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Allowing only Custom Topics"); } } } $kunenaTopic = false; $regex = '/{kunena_discuss:(\d+?)}/s'; if (JRequest::getVar('tmpl', '') == 'component' || JRequest::getBool('print') || JRequest::getVar('format', 'html') != 'html' || (isset ($article->state) && !$article->state) || empty ($article->id) || $this->app->scope == 'com_kunena' ) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Not allowed - removing tags."); if (isset ($article->text)) { $article->text = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->text); } if (isset ($article->introtext)) { $article->introtext = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->introtext); } if (isset ($article->fulltext)) { $article->fulltext = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->fulltext); } } $view = JRequest::getVar('view'); $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout'); $isBlogPage = ($view == 'section' || $view == 'category') && $layout == 'blog'; $isFrontPage = $view == 'frontpage' || $view == 'featured'; if ($isBlogPage) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: we are in blog page."); $show = $this->params->get('show_blog_page', 2); } else { if ($isFrontPage) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: we are in front page."); $show = $this->params->get('show_front_page', 2); } else { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: we are in {$view}/{$layout} page."); $show = $this->params->get('show_other_pages', 2); } } if (!$show || isset (self::$plgDisplay [$article->id])) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Configured to show nothing"); if (isset ($article->text)) { $article->text = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->text); } if (isset ($article->introtext)) { $article->introtext = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->introtext); } if (isset ($article->fulltext)) { $article->fulltext = preg_replace($regex, '', $article->fulltext); } return; } $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Article {$article->id}"); if (!$customTopics) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Custom Topics disabled"); } else { // Get fulltext from frontpage articles (tag can be inside fulltext) if ($isFrontPage) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('fulltext')) ->from('#__content') ->where("id={$db->quote($article->id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $fulltext = $this->db->loadResult(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $text = $article->introtext . ' ' . $fulltext; } else { if (isset ($article->text)) { $text = $article->text; } else { $text = array(); if (isset ($article->introtext)) { $text [] = $article->introtext; } if (isset ($article->fulltext)) { $text [] = $article->fulltext; } $text = implode("\n\n", $text); } } $matches = array(); if (preg_match($regex, $text, $matches)) { $kunenaTopic = intval($matches [1]); if (isset ($article->text)) { $article->text = preg_replace("/{kunena_discuss:$kunenaTopic}/", '', $article->text, 1); } if (isset ($article->introtext)) { $article->introtext = preg_replace("/{kunena_discuss:$kunenaTopic}/", '', $article->introtext, 1); } if (isset ($article->fulltext)) { $article->fulltext = preg_replace("/{kunena_discuss:$kunenaTopic}/", '', $article->fulltext, 1); } if ($kunenaTopic == 0) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Searched for {kunena_discuss:#}: Discussion of this article has been disabled."); return; } } $this->debug("onPrepareContent: Searched for {kunena_discuss:#}: Custom Topic " . ($kunenaTopic ? "{$kunenaTopic} found." : "not found.")); } if ($kunenaCategory || $kunenaTopic) { self::$plgDisplay [$article->id] = $this->showPlugin($kunenaCategory, $kunenaTopic, $article, $show == 1); } } // end of $ksource!='kunena' check } /** * @param int $catid * @param int $topic_id * @param object $row * @param bool $linkOnly * * @return mixed|string */ protected function showPlugin($catid, $topic_id, &$row, $linkOnly) { // Show a simple form to allow posting to forum from the plugin $plgShowForm = $this->params->get('form', 1); // Default is to put QuickPost at the very bottom. $formLocation = $this->params->get('form_location', 0); // Don't repeat the CSS for each instance of this plugin in a page! if (!self::$includedCss) { $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root(true) . "/plugins/content/kunenadiscuss/css/discuss.css"); self::$includedCss = true; } // Find cross reference and the real topic $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('thread_id')) ->from('#__kunenadiscuss') ->where("content_id = {$db->quote($row->id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $result = $this->db->loadResult(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); if ($topic_id) { // Custom topic found $this->debug("showPlugin: Loading Custom Topic {$topic_id}"); $id = $topic_id; } elseif ($result) { // Reference found $this->debug("showPlugin: Loading Stored Topic {$result}"); $id = $result; } else { // No topic exists $this->debug("showPlugin: No topic found"); $id = 0; } $topic = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($id); // If topic has been moved, find the real topic while ($topic->moved_id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic {$topic->id} has been moved to {$topic->moved_id}"); $topic = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($topic->moved_id); } if ($result) { if (!$topic->exists()) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic does not exist, removing reference to {$result}"); $this->deleteReference($row); } elseif ($topic->id != $id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic has been moved or changed, updating reference to {$topic->id}"); $this->updateReference($row, $topic->id); } } elseif ($topic_id && $topic->exists()) { $this->debug("showPlugin: First hit to Custom Topic, created reference to topic {$topic_id}"); $this->createReference($row, $topic_id); } // Initialise some variables $subject = $row->title; if (isset($row->publish_up) && $row->publish_up != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $published = JFactory::getDate($row->publish_up)->toUnix(); // take start publishing date } else { $published = JFactory::getDate($row->created)->toUnix(); // or created date if publish_up is empty } $now = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix(); if ($topic->exists()) { // If current user doesn't have authorisation to read existing topic, we are done if ($id && !$topic->authorise('read')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic said {$topic->getError()}"); return ''; } $category = $topic->getCategory(); } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Let's see what we can do.."); // If current user doesn't have authorisation to read category, we are done $category = KunenaForumCategoryHelper::get($catid); if (!$category->authorise('read')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Category {$catid} said {$category->getError()}"); return ''; } $create = $this->params->get('create', 0); $createTime = $this->params->get('create_time', 0) * 604800; // Weeks in seconds if ($createTime && $published + $createTime < $now) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic creation time expired, cannot start new discussion anymore"); return ''; } if ($create) { $this->debug("showPlugin: First hit, created new topic {$topic_id} into forum"); $topic = $this->createTopic($row, $category, $subject); if ($topic === false) { return ''; } } } // Do we allow answers into the topic? $closeTime = $this->params->get('close_time', 0) * 604800; // Weeks in seconds or 0 (forever) if ($closeTime && $topic->exists()) { $closeReason = $this->params->get('close_reason', 0); if ($closeReason) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Close time by last post"); $closeTime += $topic->last_post_time; } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Close time by topic creation"); $closeTime += $topic->first_post_time; } } else { // Topic has not yet been created or will kept open forever $closeTime = $now + 1; } $linktopic = ''; if ($topic->exists() && $linkOnly) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying only link to the topic"); $linktitle = JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DISCUSS_ON_FORUMS', $topic->getReplies()); return JHtml::_('', $topic->getUri($category), $linktitle, $linktitle); } elseif ($topic->exists() && !$plgShowForm) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying link to the topic because the form is disabled"); $linktitle = JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DISCUSS_ON_FORUMS', $topic->getReplies()); $linktopic = JHtml::_('', $topic->getUri($category), $linktitle, $linktitle); } elseif (!$topic->exists() && !$plgShowForm) { $linktopic = JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_NEW_TOPIC_NOT_CREATED'); } // ************************************************************************ // Process the QuickPost form $quickPost = ''; $canPost = $this->canPost($category, $topic); if ($canPost && $plgShowForm && (!$closeTime || $closeTime >= $now)) { if (JFactory::getUser()->get('guest')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Guest can post: this feature doesn't work well if Joomla caching or Cache Plugin is enabled!"); } if (JRequest::getInt('kdiscussContentId', -1, 'POST') == $row->id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Reply topic!"); $quickPost .= $this->replyTopic($row, $category, $topic, $subject); } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying form"); $quickPost .= $this->showForm($row, $category, $topic, $subject); } } // This will be used all the way through to tell users how many posts are in the forum. $content = $this->showTopic($category, $topic, $linktopic); if (!$content && !$quickPost) { return $linktopic; } if ($formLocation) { $content = '
' . $content . '
' . $quickPost . '
'; } else { $content = '
' . $quickPost . "
" . $content . '
'; } return $content; } /****************************************************************************** * Output *****************************************************************************/ /** * @param KunenaForumCategory $category * @param KunenaForumTopic $topic * @param string $link_topic * * @return string */ protected function showTopic(KunenaForumCategory $category, KunenaForumTopic $topic, $link_topic) { if (!$topic->exists()) { $this->debug("showTopic: No messages to render"); return ''; } $this->debug("showTopic: Rendering discussion"); $ordering = $this->params->get('ordering', 1); // 0=ASC, 1=DESC $params = array( 'catid' => $category->id, 'id' => $topic->id, 'limitstart' => (int) !$ordering, 'limit' => $this->params->get('limit', 25), 'filter_order_Dir' => $ordering ? 'desc' : 'asc', 'templatepath' => __DIR__ . '/tmpl', 'topic' => $topic ); ob_start(); KunenaForum::display('topic', 'default', null, $params); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $link_topic . $str; } /** * @param $row * @param KunenaForumCategory $category * @param KunenaForumTopic $topic * @param $subject * * @return string */ protected function showForm($row, KunenaForumCategory $category, KunenaForumTopic $topic, $subject) { $canPost = $this->canPost($category, $topic); if (!$canPost) { if (!$this->user->exists()) { $this->debug("showForm: Public posting is not permitted, show login instead"); $login = KunenaLogin::getInstance(); $loginlink = $login->getLoginURL(); $registerlink = $login->getRegistrationURL(); $this->msg = JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_LOGIN_OR_REGISTER', '"' . $loginlink . '"', '"' . $registerlink . '"'); } else { $this->debug("showForm: Unfortunately you cannot discuss this item"); $this->msg = JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_NO_PERMISSION_TO_POST'); } } $this->open = $this->params->get('quickpost_open', false); $this->name = JRequest::getString('name', $this->user->getName(), 'POST'); $this->email = JRequest::getString('email', null, 'POST'); $this->message = JRequest::getString('message', null, 'POST'); ob_start(); $this->debug("showForm: Rendering form"); include(__DIR__ . "/tmpl/form.php"); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $str; } /****************************************************************************** * Create and reply to topic *****************************************************************************/ protected function createReference($row, $topic_id) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->insert('#__kunenadiscuss') ->columns('content_id, thread_id') ->values("{$db->quote($row->id)}, {$db->quote($topic_id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } /** * @param object $row * @param int $topic_id */ protected function updateReference($row, $topic_id) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->update('#__kunenadiscuss') ->set("thread_id={$db->quote($topic_id)}") ->where("content_id={$db->quote($row->id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } /** * @param object $row */ protected function deleteReference($row) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->delete('#__kunenadiscuss') ->where("content_id={$db->quote($row->id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } /** * @param $row * @param KunenaForumCategory $category * @param $subject * * @return bool|KunenaForumTopic */ protected function createTopic($row, KunenaForumCategory $category, $subject) { if (!$category->exists()) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic creation failed: forum category doesn't exist!"); return false; } $this->debug("showPlugin: Create topic!"); $add_snippet = $this->params->get('add_article_snippet'); $textwords = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', $row->fulltext), 0, 10)); if (empty($textwords)) { $textwords = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', $row->introtext), 0, 10)); } $snippet = strip_tags($textwords) . "..." . "\n\n"; $type = $this->params->get('bbcode'); switch ($type) { case 'full': case 'intro': case 'link': { if ($add_snippet) { $contents = $snippet . "[article={$type}]{$row->id}[/article]"; } else { $contents = "[article={$type}]{$row->id}[/article]"; } } break; default: { if ($add_snippet) { $contents = $snippet . "[article]{$row->id}[/article]"; } else { $contents = "[article]{$row->id}[/article]"; } } } $topic_owner = $this->params->get('topic_owner', $row->created_by); // save the ID for later use $user = KunenaUserHelper::get($topic_owner); $email = $user->email; // get real email $params = array( 'email' => $email, // we need to pass email of the topic starter (robot) when 'Require E-mail' option is enabled 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $contents, ); $safefields = array( 'category_id' => intval($category->id) ); list($topic, $message) = $category->newTopic($params, $topic_owner, $safefields); // Set time of message published by the plugin in the Unix timestamp format if (isset($row->publish_up) && $row->publish_up != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $message->time = JFactory::getDate($row->publish_up)->toUnix(); // start puglishing date of the article } else { if (isset($row->created) && $row->created != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $message->time = JFactory::getDate($row->created)->toUnix(); // created date of the article } else { $message->time = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix(); // current date and time } } /** @var KunenaForumTopic $topic */ /** @var KunenaForumMessage $message */ $success = $message->save(); if (!$success) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($message->getError(), 'error'); return false; } // Create a reference $this->createReference($row, $topic->id); return $topic; } /** * @param $row * @param KunenaForumCategory $category * @param KunenaForumTopic $topic * @param $subject * * @return bool|string */ protected function replyTopic($row, KunenaForumCategory $category, KunenaForumTopic $topic, $subject) { $uri = JFactory::getURI(); if (JSession::checkToken() == false) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN'), 'error'); return false; } /*if ($this->hasCaptcha() && !$this->verifyCaptcha()) { return $this->showForm ( $row, $category, $topic, $subject ); }*/ // Create topic if it doesn't exist if (!$topic->exists()) { $topic = $this->createTopic($row, $category, $subject); } $params = array( 'name' => JRequest::getString('name', $this->user->getName(), 'POST'), 'email' => JRequest::getString('email', null, 'POST'), 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => JRequest::getString('message', null, 'POST'), ); if ($this->hasCaptcha() && !$this->verifyCaptcha()) { $this->app->redirect($uri->toString(), $result); } $message = $topic->newReply($params); $success = $message->save(); if (!$success) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($message->getError(), 'error'); return false; } $message->sendNotification(); if ($message->hold) { $result = JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_PENDING_MODERATOR_APPROVAL'); } else { $result = JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_MESSAGE_POSTED'); } // Redirect $app = JFactory::getApplication('site'); $app->redirect($uri->toString(), $result); return ''; } /****************************************************************************** * Debugging and error handling *****************************************************************************/ protected function debug($msg, $fatal = 0) { $debug = $this->params->get('show_debug', false); // Print out debug info! $debugUsers = $this->params->get('show_debug_userids', ''); // Joomla Id's of Users who can see debug info if (!$debug || ($debugUsers && !in_array($this->user->userid, explode(',', $debugUsers)))) { return; } if ($fatal) { echo "
[KunenaDiscuss FATAL: $msg ]"; } else { echo "
[KunenaDiscuss debug: $msg ]"; } } /****************************************************************************** * Permission checks *****************************************************************************/ protected function getForumCategory($catid) { // Default Kunena category to put new topics into $default = intval($this->params->get('default_category', 0)); // Category pairs will be always allowed $categoryPairs = explode(';', $this->params->get('category_mapping', '')); $categoryMap = array(); foreach ($categoryPairs as $pair) { $pair = explode(',', $pair); $key = isset ($pair [0]) ? intval($pair [0]) : 0; $value = isset ($pair [1]) ? intval($pair [1]) : 0; if ($key > 0) { $categoryMap [$key] = $value; } } // Limit plugin to the following content catgeories $allowCategories = explode(',', $this->params->get('allow_categories', '')); // Exclude the plugin from the following categories $denyCategories = explode(',', $this->params->get('deny_categories', '')); if (!is_numeric($catid) || intval($catid) == 0) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Deny: Category {$catid} is not valid"); return false; } $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName('parent_id')); $query->from('#__categories'); $query->where("id = {$db->quote( $catid )}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); try { $db->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Parent IDs: Error executing query - " . $e); } $parent_catid = $db->loadResult(); // parend ID of the article's category $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Parent category ID is: " . $parent_catid); if (!empty($categoryMap)) { // let's check the mapping if (isset($categoryMap[$catid])) { // 1st check - by article's category $forumcatid = intval($categoryMap [$catid]); if (!$forumcatid) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Deny: Category {$catid} was disabled in the category map."); return false; } $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Allow: Category {$catid} is in the category map using Kunena category {$forumcatid}"); return $forumcatid; } else { if (!empty($parent_catid) && isset($categoryMap[$parent_catid])) { // 2nd check - by parent category $forumcatid = intval($categoryMap[$parent_catid]); $msg = "onPrepareContent.Allow: " . "Parent category {$parent_catid} of the article category {$catid} is in the category map using Kunena category {$forumcatid}"; $this->debug($msg); return $forumcatid; } } } if (!$default) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Deny: There is no default Kunena category"); return false; } if (in_array('0', $allowCategories) || in_array($catid, $allowCategories)) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Allow: Category {$catid} was listed in allow list and is using default Kunena category {$default}"); return $default; } if (in_array('0', $denyCategories) || in_array($catid, $denyCategories)) { $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Deny: Category {$catid} was listed in deny list"); return false; } $this->debug("onPrepareContent.Allow: Category {$catid} is using default Kunena category {$default}"); return $default; } /** * @param KunenaForumCategory $category * @param KunenaForumTopic $topic * * @return bool */ protected function canPost(KunenaForumCategory $category, KunenaForumTopic $topic) { if ($topic->exists()) { return $topic->authorise('reply'); } else { return $category->authorise('topic.reply'); } } /** * Check if the user will have captcha or not * * @return bool */ public function hasCaptcha() { return $this->user->canDoCaptcha(); } /** * Display the captcha into the post form * * @return string */ protected function displayCaptcha() { if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('captcha')) { $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('captcha'); $params = new JRegistry($plugin[0]->params); $captcha_pubkey = $params->get('public_key'); $catcha_privkey = $params->get('private_key'); $random = mt_rand(99, 999); if (!empty($captcha_pubkey) && !empty($catcha_privkey)) { JPluginHelper::importPlugin('captcha'); $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onInit', 'dynamic_recaptcha_' . $random); $output = $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplay', array(null, 'dynamic_recaptcha_' . $random, 'class="controls g-recaptcha"')); return $output[0]; } return false; } } /** * Check if hte captcha given is correct * * @return bool */ protected function verifyCaptcha() { if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('captcha') && $this->config->captcha) { $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('captcha'); $params = new JRegistry($plugin[0]->params); $captcha_pubkey = $params->get('public_key'); $catcha_privkey = $params->get('private_key'); if (!empty($captcha_pubkey) && !empty($catcha_privkey)) { JPluginHelper::importPlugin('captcha'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $captcha_response = $this->app->input->getString('g-recaptcha-response'); if (!empty($captcha_response)) { // For ReCaptcha API 2.0 $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onCheckAnswer', $this->app->input->getString('g-recaptcha-response')); } else { // For ReCaptcha API 1.0 $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onCheckAnswer', $this->app->input->getString('recaptcha_response_field')); } return $res[0]; } } return false; } protected function createTable() { $this->debug('createTable: Check if plugin table exists.'); // Create plugin table if doesn't exist $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$this->db->getPrefix()}kunenadiscuss'"; $this->db->setQuery($query); if (!$this->db->loadResult()) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__kunenadiscuss` (`content_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `thread_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`content_id`) )"; $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->debug("Created #__kunenadiscuss cross reference table."); // Migrate data from old FireBoard discussbot if it exists $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$this->db->getPrefix()}fb_discussbot'"; $this->db->setQuery($query); if ($this->db->loadResult()) { $query = "REPLACE INTO `#__kunenadiscuss` SELECT `content_id` , `thread_id` FROM `#__fb_discussbot`"; $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->query(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->debug("Migrated old data."); } } } }